The beginning of the 21st Century marks the conclusion of the first 15-year cycle of the 1986 North American
Waterfowl Management Plan—a public-private approach to managing waterfowl in Canada, Mexico, and the
United States. This approach launched a new era in wildlife conservation as it set out a blueprint for developing
partnerships to conserve shared natural resources, one that is still vital today.
With this document, 2004 North American Waterfowl Management Plan - Strengthening the Biological Foundation, the
three countries will set forth another 15-year cycle. They envision sustainable landscapes, consultation and
cooperation with partners, and strong biological foundations, to secure the conservation of waterfowl and their
habitats for future generations.
This Plan continues to expand on the last 15 years of success to meet the challenges for a new century. The
parties recognize that the conservation of North American waterfowl should be pursued through cooperative
planning and coordinated management, based on the best scientific knowledge available.