A communique to the waterfowl management community from the co-chairs of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan Committee.
An Interim Integration Committee (IIC), prescribed in the Action Plan, has been charged with facilitating the integration of waterfowl management and advancing many of the specific recommendations identified in the Revision and Action Plan. You will have received a DRAFT WORK PLAN from the IIC in mid-July, and we discussed this at length last week at our Plan Committee meeting in Winnipeg.
In addition we heard reports from the nascent Human Dimensions Working Group (HDWG), the NSST, the NAWMP Joint Ventures, and the Plan Committee’s new Public Engagement Team (PET). Collectively the work of these groups, in partnership with all of you is advancing the recommendations of the 2012 Revision on many fronts. As Co-Chairs of the international Plan Committee we are committed to implementing the 2012 Plan and updating you from time to time on the progress of this important work.