In 2005 we were asked by the Plan Committee of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP or Plan) to form an Assessment Steering Committee (ASC) and to conduct the first continental biological assessment of the Plan in its 20 year history. This report summarizes our findings from that effort.
Our quest has been challenging, informative, and rewarding. Through our interviews, we learned that the Plan Community throughout the continent is very active on many fronts tackling important issues and conserving habitats in many key waterfowl areas for breeding, wintering, and migrating needs. While these efforts have cumulatively affected millions of acres since l986, much work remains to be done before Plan goals for waterfowl populations will be realized.
Our report contains several recommendations which we believe will move the entire Plan effort closer to attaining its continental waterfowl population goals. We strongly urge the Plan Committee to take these recommendations under advisement and to act on them prudently yet promptly. We were very impressed with the professionalism, expertise, and dedication of the many Plan partners. They are truly the backbone of the Plan and we are confident that they represent a highly competent force that is more than capable of acting upon the Plan Committee’s leadership and guidance to implement their recommendations.