What is NAWMP?
The North American Waterfowl Management Plan (“NAWMP” or “the Plan”) is an international action strategy for conserving migratory waterfowl throughout the continent.
The purpose of the Plan is to sustain abundant waterfowl populations while preserving the traditions of wildfowling and achieving broad benefits to
biodiversity, ecosystem processes and the people of North America. Plan goals will be accomplished by partnerships that conserve habitats and sustain
populations, guided by science.
The Plan is a partnership of federal, provincial/state and municipal governments, non-government organizations (NGOs), private companies and many
individuals, all working towards preserving wetlands to benefit waterfowl and other wildlife -- as well as people. The Plan's unique combination of science,
conservation and partnerships comprise its exemplary conservation legacy. Plan programs and projects are international in scope, but implemented at regional and local levels. Together they contribute to the protection of habitat and wildlife species across the North American landscape. In fact, the North American Waterfowl Management Plan is considered one of the most successful conservation initiatives in the world.
Governments, communities, industries, NGOs, and public and private organizations operating in today's environment and business climate may realize significant benefits by becoming a NAWMP partner.
Why Conserve Wetlands?
Wetlands are vital to the life cycle and conservation of all waterfowl species.
Wetlands are also nature’s “kidneys.” They have the amazing ability to remove up to 99 percent of bacteria, up to 94 percent of phosphorous and up to 87 percent of nitrates from the waters that flow into our rivers and lakes. Conserving wetlands means helping to keep our drinking water safe and clean.
Given the value to society as a whole of conserving wetlands, NAWMP’s world recognition as a leader in wetland conservation is the key element in our appeal to new partners.
To learn more about NAWMP and how get involved or become a Partner, check out the full document below.