The North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) Plan Committee (PC) held a strategic planning session in July 2018 in response to:
1) The report entitled “Review of the Plan Committee – Achieving NAWMP Objectives1” prepared by the Institutions Subcommittee, and
2) Recommendation #8 of the 2018 NAWMP Update (“Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the Plan Committee and how it strategically structures itself and
its functions to facilitate integration among the various technical work groups.”)
This report provides a summary of the outcomes of that session and articulates the priority actions for the PC over the initial period of implementing the 2018 NAWMP Update (2019-2021). This report identifies a number of primary responsibilities to be accomplished by the Committee and will ultimately address structural recommendations for the PC, in addition to
decisions taken by the PC on April 10, 2019.
The PC focused on actions they could implement to help achieve the goals and objectives of NAWMP, although there are many other actions the waterfowl community as a whole could undertake. The PC built on efforts of the Institutions Sub-Committee, identifying priority issues, and tasked a small group to write a report adding clarity around key roles and responsibilities of the PC, its functions, strategic priorities and actions. Once these are identified and essential linkages with working groups are in place, the PC will determine what, if any, changes in the institutional structures and processes of NAWMP will be necessary to successfully implement the strategic priorities.