Hallmarked by the recent 30th Anniversary celebration of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA), the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) community, alongside our fish and wildlife conservation partner organizations applaud the historic signing the bipartisan legislation known as The America’s Conservation Enhancement Act (ACE Act) that will help to conserve America's natural resources.
The ACE Act reauthorizes the North American Wetlands Conservation Act and codifies the National Fish Habitat Partnership—two of the most successful conservation efforts in the nation. The ACE Act also reauthorizes the Chesapeake Bay program and establishes a task force between state and federal authorities to address Chronic Wasting Disease, in addition to numerous other fish and wildlife conservation initiatives.
The ACE Act passed the Senate by unanimous consent on September 16th and the full House passed the ACE Act under unanimous consent on October 1st. President Trump signed the Act into law on October 30, 2020.
Since its enactment in 1989, NAWCA has conserved more than 30 million acres while also creating an average of 7,500 new jobs annually. Every dollar spent by the federal government under NAWCA, on average, receives a $3 match from program partners. The reauthorization via the ACE Act will help to ensure that NAWCA wetland restoration funding is secured through 2025, allowing for an increase in efforts to provide waterfowl and wildlife habitat, control soil erosion, enhance water quality, provide safe drinking water and flood control, and to increase recreational opportunities for hunting and bird watching for years to come.
The NAWMP community sincerely thanks all the conservation partner organizations that worked hard to get the ACE Act passed. We also encourage those agencies that continue to put habitat and wetland restoration efforts on the ground to continue their important conservation efforts. To learn more and apply for a future NAWCA grant (small grants and standard grants), be sure to visit: https://www.fws.gov/birds/grants/north-american-wetland-conservation-act.php