Colorado Parks and Wildlife Celebrates 30 Years of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act

This month, Colorado Parks and Wildlife is celebrating 30 years of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act.

Signed in December 1989, the act provides financial and other support for wetland-related wildlife species and habitats, according to a news release.

NAWCA supplies grants for conservation projects in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The grants increase bird populations and wetland habitat, according to the news release. These grants also support hunting, fishing and cattle ranching.

NAWCA has funded over 2,950 projects in the last two decades — $1.73 billion in grants, said the news release.

Colorado’s wetlands have seen $25 million from NAWCA in the last 30 years.

“These funds are critical to our ability to conserve wetlands in Colorado,” CPW Wetlands Program coordinator Brian Sullivan said in the news release.

Some of the funded projects in Colorado include, the Elliot State Wildlife Area Shallow Water Wetlands and the Cross Arrow Ranch Conservation Easement.

For more information, go to

—Madisyn Gentry is an intern for the Greeley Tribune. You can reach her at (970) 352-0211 or