The North American Waterfowl Management Plan, signed in 1986, recognizes that the recovery and perpetuation
of waterfowl populations depends on restoring wetlands and associated ecosystems throughout the North American
continent. As a result, it established cooperative international efforts to reverse the declines in waterfowl populations and their habitats.
This document is the first update of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan as it moves through the initial 15-year horizon to the year 200 I and beyond. Population goals and habitat objectives have been reviewed, and revised when needed, for the 1994 Plan Update.
The Plan's purpose is to achieve waterfowl conservation while maintaining or enhancing associated ecological values in harmony with other human needs.
With the 1994 Update, Mexico becomes a full partner, thus completing the continental approach to waterfowl management. The Plan is part of a larger national planning initiative to conserve biological diversity in Mexico.
This document renews and expands the commitment of the United States, Canada, and Mexico in a continental effort to restore waterfowl and wetland resources on the North American continent.