May 1986 The Beginning
First NAWMP signed by U.S. and Canada.
A model for international conservation.
Signed in 1986 by the United States and Canada and in 1994 by Mexico, the North American Waterfowl Management Plan is the foundational bird conservation partnership upon which many others have been built.
Stop overs
May 1986 The Beginning
First NAWMP signed by U.S. and Canada.
December 1989 North American Wetlands
Conservation Act (NAWCA) Signed
NAWCA was passed and signed by President George H.W. Bush.
May 1994 First Update
First NAWMP Update released, Mexico joins the Plan.
2008 Future of Waterfowl Workshop
This first Future of Waterfowl Workshop was an important step in the evolution of waterfowl management in North America.
2012 NAWMP Revision
After several Updates to the NAWMP over the previous 25 years, a large stakeholder input process was conducted resulting in the first ever NAWMP Revision, outlining new NAWMP Objectives and helping to shape the future of NAWMP and waterfowl management for the decades to come.
September 2017 Future of Waterfowl Workshop 2
The second of its kind and one of the key steps leading up to the next NAWMP Update, over 170 waterfowl professionals from across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico gathered for 2-days of discussions about the future of waterfowl management in North America.
December 2018 2018 NAWMP Update
2018 NAWMP Update completed and signed by U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
December 2024 2024 NAWMP Update
2024 NAWMP Update completed and signed by U.S., Canada, and Mexico.